Electric Callboy are hardly a new band, yet they are definitely new to being globally recognisable and dominating media and festival headlines. Two years passes since they dropped the MMXX EP featuring the iconic 'Hypa Hypa', and it is now up to their sixth LP TEKKNO to match that sennsation, unpredictability and anticipation. No longer a relatively unknown German band, creating such buzz around seemingly comic concept is no small feat, but what is even bigger is smashing the huge expectations and raising the bar once again.
There are two ways to aporoach TEKKNO - as a cohesive electronic metalcore record, or as a collection of gimmick singles, but either way it more than does the job. Electric Callboy have made it their mission in life to regularly drop a fresh video, much like a new episode of a favourite comedy show, and managed to keep us entertained ever since 'We Got The Moves' followed the MMXX (Hypa Hypa Edition). What is even better, they managed to get all these seemingly unrelated ironic pieces of chaos into an album that actually sounds logical.
Gimmick band rarely last long and live to see their albums stand the test of time but so far Electric Callboy appear on the right course. With plenty of experience doing the same but on a smaller case, there were doubts they could top up and maintatin the surprise and perfect timing of the 'Hypa Hypa' and MMXX momentum, but Electic Callboy's party-core train is in full speed. The fact that they are in the same Century Media label alongside powerhouses like Arch Enemy, At The Gates and Lorna Shore, to name just a few, makes this sweeter and even more hilarious.
What actually happens from now on is a good question but for another time, as we are here to talk about TEKKNO and why it is simultaneously a genious sequel to what started in 2020 amidst a time of global depression and chaos, and also a great release stacked with standalone bangers. At its very core, its strongest side remains their personality and unity as a band, fuelled by the ever-present Kevin Ratajczak and now fully settled Nico Sallach, complete by the rest of the roudy, clowny merrymen.
Since the model worked and gave them the long-overdue praise with MMXX, why change it? There is clearly a special place for a bunch of wild German idiots in our hearts, and the always gloomy and angry metal scene definitely needs this to challenge the stereotypes for as long as possible. Electric Calboy found a way to survive doing ridiculous techno- and disco- infused modern metal in a time when electronicore is either a nostalgic memory, or a taboo topic, depending on how you spend your teenage years, and this is a win in itself.
It is hard to dissect an album that is simultaneously humorously chaotic and meticulously ordered. Like Kevin puts it, it has everything we need and expect from Electric Callboy and in this sense it is hardly surprising yet super exciting. People either love of hate the band (but know them!) and if you are in the first group, that you will undoubtedly enjoy this very much and headbang consistently with a smile on your face (and a wig on your head...).
To start with, we have the almost cookie-cutter electronicore bangers in 'Pump It', 'We Got The Moves' but then things start to get interesting. 'Fuckboi' remains an absolute highpoint, teaming up with Conquer Divid for an exemplary pop-punk/easycore track without even trying as hard as the established "legends" have been in the last few years. Then comes 'Spaceman' with local star FiNCH and its pulsating blend of techno, rap and that signature Electric Callboy charm that glues the whole messy and loud mixture together..
The 2 new tracks 'Mindreader' and 'Arrow of Love' are actually brilliant, each in its own right, and quickly build the tempo for the second half of the album where things somehow get even wilder with both 'Parasite' and 'Tekkno Train' being an absolute vibe. And just as the latter hits you with the pre-breakdown announcement "we're sorry for any loss of enjoyment", comes the total piss-take that is the deathcore schlager 'Hurrikan', and then 'Neon' finishes the record with the cheesy disco classic it deserves for guaranteed climax.
If there is one negative, the album feels a little short at just 10 tracks but this could easily be forgiven. It is another collection of wild bangers with unforgettable videos and iconic lyrics that can easily make us overlook the fact that the six guys are also amazing musicians, performers and entertainers. Mixing all elements into one cohesive record with plenty of genious ideas, fine nuances and stellar production is no easy task, and if there is one band alive that can do this while also having fun, this is Electric Callboy.
Electric Callboy - TEKKNO
Country: Germany
Released: 16 September 2022
Label: Century Media
01. 'Pump It'
02. 'We Got The Moves'
03. 'Fuckboi' (ft. Conquer Divide)
04. 'Spaceman' (ft. FiNCH)
05. 'Mindreader'
06. 'Arrow of Love'
07. 'Parasite'
08. 'Tekkno Train'
09. 'Hurrikan'
10. 'Neon'