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Inside the cabin

Why Music Lighthouse?

Because not all those who wander are lost, but all who are lost need guidance. Because there are way too many bands out there and not enough time in our lives for half of them. Because music matters and needs navigation. Well, good music matters, and what is good is entirely subjective and changes constantly, sometimes with years, sometimes with minutes. This particular Lighthouse is about what I think is good and deserves the spotlight. 

I will look into bands and albums that have attracted me like an exhausted sailor lost at sea seeing the hopeful light of a distant lighthouse. Albums that matter - to me, to their respective genre, to the scene in general, to the society. Albums that leave a mark into the world - mine and hopefully yours, if you only follow the light. 

My world revolves mainly around passionate and usually heavier music, with emphasis on passion and not heaviness, unlike what certain gatekeepers will have you believe with regards to modern metal in particular. The reason I used Music and not Metal is mainly to allow for genre expansion and to avoid the increasingly infuriating public debate over what is metal and what is not. 


What would you find here?

A true lighthouse to guide music lovers towards great music, a somewhat personal pantheon of good contemporary albums with value - musical, lyrical, cultural. A value that transcends chart positions, radio playlists and stream counts, and above all, the test of time. No promoted reviews, no critiques, no ratings, no scripted texts.

Next time you read how a major publication or any media outlet is objective, laugh out loud and move on. No one is objective and the more you claim to be, the least you are. There are more than enough gatekeepers dictating what is trendy, forgetting we were all kids once listening to that one album for the first time and not giving a damn who else likes it. Shoutout to the few freelancers, radio presenters, and YouTubers out there that have been making noise by just having honest and personal reviews of fresh new music. 

If you haven't picked that already, I do like to blab a lot, and this is what I intend to do here. This is not a newsletter and is not aimed at delivering the latest gossip or hottest reviews - there is enough of these out there to even attempt to compete. Time will tell whether this will become something bigger or not, and if does and I do sell my soul to pesky ads and nasty pop-ups, I apologise in advance.

Who am I?

Above all else, I am a simple music fan that recently (following a mild lockdown-induced existential crisis) realised that music is the most consistent aspect of my life, ever since I could realised music was more than just background. I have jumped between blogging, writing news and reviews, PR and branding, promo, physical record sales, chart monitoring, events, curating playlists, music history studies, amateurish drumming, production attempts, you name it.

What I never changed was listening to music, discovering new bands and artists, exploring genres and movements, attending gigs and festivals, and mentally reviewing every track and record I come across. Gradually approaching the years of the inevitable loss of memory and drive to start anything new, I thought now might be a good time to start storing all those thoughts for those of you who wandered to my lighthouse's rocky shores.   

Constantly on the move, I am currently physically based in Brussels as the next chapter following London, Oxford, Sofia. Mentally, you will find me floating between Hogwarts, Dalaran, Minas Tirith, Ankh Morpork, and Citagazze and if you wander across the same worlds, stick around for occasional geekiness, alongside killer new music and great playlists.

You have great new music that I might like?


Send music, Press kits, images, and info to and I will do my best to listen to it!


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