No point in beating around the bush here, Germans know how to make metal music. The country has established itself as a bastion of heavy music in general, but in recent years has grown particularly fond of metalcore in all its modern varieties, backed by a solid system of record labels, recording studios, iconic venues and lasting connections throught Europe. Local bands seem to come and go on a monthly basis, some growing up to become international heavyhitters, others content with dominating regional airwaves and festivals. Either way, they all share that unique determination, dedication and vision, and one such band is Rising Insane who have slowly but surely climbed towards the top and are certain to make an even louder and broader noise than ever before with their latest LP Wildfires.
We can go on to talk in great lenght about the priceless influence of local genre veterans like Heaven Shall Burn or Caliban, or the crucial support of contemporary trendsetters like Annisokay, but sooner or later a band has to establish their own identity in order to survive, and Wildfires is Rising Insane doing just that, claiming their unique and rightful place in the world with a blast. This is not to say the guys have been aimless or unknown until now, for there are three brilliant albums that picture a different story, but it is really this latest official LP, fourth since their 2017 debut and third signed for the local tastemaker Long Branch Records, that finally elavates them to the status of international heavyhitter worthy of arena audiences, headline slots and premium media outlets.
For Rising Insane, Wildfires is not a radical or even surprising step for them, but it is one taken more confidently and deliberately than ever before. This new album shows a band fully aware of their strenghts and in total control of their sound and brand, a modern German metalcore outfit embracing genre roots and regional traditions whilst strenghtened by contemporary trends and stylistic experimentation. As a result, Wildfires is noticeably more concise and polished than Afterglow (2021), but also its perfectly logical and needed successor, a firm step forward towards a promising future delivered with the outstanding flair, awarenes and control reserved for Germany's next big international export.
Before starting their 2024 promo cycle, Rising Insane dropped five brilliant singles via Easthaven Records, and although there must be a reasonable contractual basis for their exclusion from Wildifres, they were just faultless. However, even without them Wildfires remains one of the finest releases so far this year with a certain place in the upcoming annual charts. The albums delivers something for everyone, from raging pit-starters like 'Burn', 'Carousel' and 'Warning' through singalong favourites like 'Malicious', 'Reign' and 'Monster', all the way to emotional anthems like 'Lighthouse' and 'The Door'. And then there is the nuclear title conclusion, tapping into Rising Insane's relentless nature and infusing it with a Holly Hell-era Architects-y brilliance for the explosive finish this LP deserves.
I cannot say for certain if I would have personally rated Wildfires as high without that fiery finale, for it is exactly the side of Rising Insane that made me follow their every move, but it doesn't even matter because the track is there where needed, and is a 'Doomsday'-level banger for the ages. It is the proper way to end a proper album and leave your audiences wanting more, looking for your next live date and eagerly anticipating the next release. And it is that newly-found power and purpose that Rising Insane are about to enjoy and follow as they enter the next chapter of their careers.
For the sake of the band and the local German scene, but also for the wider European modern metal world and the state of the metalcore genre, I do hope they maintain the momentum and continue being and integral part of it all. Credit here must also go for Long Branch Records who have managed to keep and nurture one of their brightest assets in Rising Insane, and delivering a shared Summer assault on the release calendar alongside fellow label-mates Siamese. In other words, the future of the scene is in good hands and Wildfires is one of those instant modern classics that is here to ensure just that.
Rising Insane - 'Wildfires'
Country: Germany
Released: 23 August 2024
Label: Long Branch Records
1. Reign
2. Monster
3. Lighthouse
4. Malicious
5. Bet On Me
6. Warning
7. Counting Regrets (Interlude)
8. Carousel
9. Burn
10. The Door
11. Wildfires